Fund Student Scholarships

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

The WCC Foundation awards more than 250 WCC students a scholarship each year. Awards typically range from $1,000 to $5,500 and can be used to cover tuition, fees, and other expenses during the 2022-2023 academic year, beginning summer quarter of 2022.

We believe that every student has the right to education. With your help, we aim to offer an educational opportunity to everyone, particularly distinguished students who cannot afford a college tuition. Through your contributions, we are able to provide quality education that is affordable to all students of different age, background, and social status. Help us make their dreams come true!

  • Make a gift of any size
  • Scholarships are awarded to dozens of students each year


  • $2,500 each year
  • Select criteria that reflect your interests and values


  • $25,000 establishes a scholarship in perpetuity
  • Select criteria that reflect your interests and values
  • "I still find myself living paycheck to paycheck and this scholarship will allow me to live at ease. I did not have financial wiggle room before receiving this scholarship."
    Celine Trinidad-Jones, 2021-2022 PSE Scholarship, 05/02/2019

General Scholarships

“This scholarship inspires me to continue working towards my passions and goals, knowing that others think my education is a worthwhile investment....this scholarship means the world to me.” -- Holly, 2021-22 General Scholarship Fund recipient

Make a gift of any size to the general scholarship fund. Gifts to the general scholarship fund are pooled and awarded to dozens of WCC students each year. Scholarships from the general scholarship fund are open to all WCC students. This gives WCC Foundation the flexibility to award committed students who may not meet the criteria for other scholarship opportunities.




Named Scholarships

“I was elated to find out I am receiving this scholarship! I feel so supported by the community and the college. It feels really good to have people believe in me and want to help me achieve my goals…. A big weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I cannot thank all of the donors enough.” – Rhiannon, Physical Therapist Assistant student and Former PTA Award recipient

Establish a named scholarship, and support a student whose studies reflect your interests and objectives. Named scholarships may be named after a loved one, a business, a family, or another name that reflects your goals. Our staff will work closely with you to establish a scholarship that reflects your values.

Named scholarships start at $2,500 or a two-year commitment of $1,250.




Endowed Scholarships

“I can say without a doubt that this award further fuels my motivation and greatly helps me continue on the path I’ve chosen…. I’m extremely grateful for being shown that my efforts will be backed by people I haven’t even met yet along the way. Thank you so much for this gift, it is truly more than monetary.” –Kelsea, Biology student and Phyllis and Charles Self Endowed Scholarship recipient

Establish an endowment and create a scholarship that will support students every year, in perpetuity. Endowed funds are invested, and a percentage of the earnings are awarded to one or more students each year. Your endowed scholarship may support a student whose studies reflect your interests and objectives. Our staff will work closely with you to establish an endowed scholarship that reflects your values.

Endowed scholarships start with an investment of at least $25,000.