Greatest Need

Giving makes ALL the difference

Financial gifts make a college education possible for everyone, no matter their ability to pay. There are so many ways to support the WCC students and programs you care about.

Tech Students Banner

Over the past year, we’ve witnessed the resilience and grit of our WCC community, from students who pivoted to online learning, lost their incomes, and persisted through uncertainty, to the faculty, staff, and administrators who moved services online, built new programs to connect students with support, and problem-solved around the clock to adapt to each new challenge.

The fact remains: We couldn’t have done it without you!

Your generous donations help us respond to urging priorities and fulfill students’ greatest needs.

You can help today by donating through Unrestricted Giving or Designated Giving.

Unrestricted Giving

Gifts to the Unrestricted Fund allows the Foundation to allocate resources where it is deemed the most urgent at the time and to be able to respond to the ever-changing needs of the Foundation.

Previous donations to this fund have gone to:

  • Emergency funding for students in need of financial assistance
  • Technology and services to support students succeed in virtual learning
  • Food and supplies for the Orca Food Pantry

You may also designate your gift to support:

Contact us at to discuss other options.