Awards and Recognition

Whatcom Community College's Communications and Marketing Department submits publications, videos and other assets to awards competitions that recognize outstanding achievements in design and communication at community and technical colleges.

We love celebrating our achievements. Discover awards won by Whatcom Community College. 

2023 Awards

NCMPR Medallion Awards - GOLD

Project: Whatcom Community College Campus Tour

Category: Promotional Video - Long Form

Description: A virtual tour of Whatcom Community College's campus hosted by Megan, one of our Pod Leaders.

Objective: The purpose of this video is to share our campus with prospective students, parents and community members who are interested in touring the campus but aren't able to attend an in-person campus tour. The video also serves as a tool for current students who may not know where certain buildings are located on campus or what resources can be found where.

Click here to view the 2023 Medallion Awards Finalists. 

NCMPR Paragon Awards - BRONZE

NCMPR Medallion Awards - GOLD

Project: Running Start Promotional Videos

Category: Television/Video Paid AD - Series

Description: Three student interviews to promote the opportunities of the Running Start program at Whatcom Community College.

Objective: The goal of the video is to promote the Running Start program to high school students and influencers. Especially to audiences who have never heard of the program before or have heard of the program but are afraid to try it. The aim is to show students that they shouldn't be intimidated by attending college and that Running Start can really help set them up for success and find community.

Click here to view the 2023 NCMPR Paragon Awards College Finalists. 

Green image with three students on it wearing graduation caps and gowns that says 'create your crew'

a magenta image with a student wearing a backpack that says choose your pathway

a group of students posing on an orange image that says find your community

a bus side that says find your community on a city bus

NCMPR Medallion Awards - BRONZE

Project: Choose Your Pathway, Create Your Crew, and Find Your Community Series

Category: Outdoor Signage/Displays

Description: Whatcom Community College's 2022-2023 brand campaign centers on these three phrases: Choose Your Pathway, Create Your Crew, and Find Your Community. The design is supported by bright, eye-catching colors and punctuated by a three-arrow design element.

Objective: The objective of this is entry is to show that Whatcom is a practical and affordable choice for college, especially for underserved and underrepresented groups. With the recent implementation of Guided Pathways, we are also guiding prospective students to begin thinking about their education at Whatcom as a 'Pathway' choice in order to help them select the right classes early on in their educational journey, hence the phrase 'Choose Your Pathway'.

WCC is known for creating community for students - the tagline 'Find Your Community' is a deliberate message that WCC is known as a supportive community for students.

The third tagline in the series is 'Create Your Crew' further emphasizes that WCC is the destination where you will find your people.

WCC graduate celebrating

NCMPR Medallion Awards -SILVER

Project: Commencement Photography

Category: Original Photography (Unmanipulated)

Description: WCC graduate responds to her family cheering after receiving her diploma.

Objective: To recognize the achievements of our 2023 graduates and is used by the Communications & Marketing Department in social media and print to showcase real graduates.