Student Conduct FAQs

Student FAQ

 The conduct process can seem like a mysterious, sometimes scary, process. Below are some of the most common questions asked by students about conduct and alleged policy violations. If you have other questions or concerns about your particular case, you are always welcome to contact the Office of Community Standards for help. We are here to be a student resource. It is our mission to be as open, fair, and transparent as possible.

I got a letter from a conduct officer. What now?
Will this go on my student record?
What is a sanction?
I don’t agree with your decision. Can I appeal?
How do I report another student?
Can my parent/guardian come to my hearing?
Are you going to tell my parent/guardian?
I want to make a complaint against a faculty member.
Do I need a lawyer?
I want to report discrimination.

Parent FAQ

When you hear that your student has potentially violated the conduct code, you may have questions or concerns. While the conduct process should be taken seriously, it is also a learning opportunity. At Whatcom, we use our conduct procedures to educate students about the importance of community standards, about how their actions affect others, and about taking accountability for their choices. Sanctions are designed to be as educationally focused as possible with an emphasis on student growth and restorative justice. Our process is always implemented with a strong focus on the due process rights of WCC students and creating a safe and healthy teaching and learning environment.

What are the most common violations?
How does my student report another student?
Can I come to the hearing?
What does the conduct process look like?
Does a finding go on their student record?
What is probation?
Will I be notified if my student is charged?vvvvv