We have a variety of support available online.  

Most of our online tutoring is provided through the eTutoringOnline portal described below.

In some circumstances, we can also arrange for our WCC tutoring staff to work with you on Zoom. If you need support online because circumstances prevent your visiting the Learning Commons, please email lc@whatcom.edu or call 360-383-4708


All WCC students have free access to the eTutoringOnline service. Tutors from other Northwest colleges are available to work with you in dozens of subjects through eTutoringonline.org

If you choose this option, here are the steps to complete:

Etutoring entrance page


  • Choose Washington and Whatcom Community College from the available menu

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  • Find the Username and Password fields under Login Here.

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  • For your username: Use the username of your email on file with the College.
  • Your defalut password is set to: wcctest


Example: If your email is jbabcock@whatcom.edu, then your corresponding username and password are: jbabcock and wcctest

 **You should change your password when you first login.**

Once this is completed, you able to see a schedule that identifies what subjects are available for tutoring, tutors who will be working, and when they will be working.

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