What is a Learning Contract?

A learning contract is a way you can earn credit for independent, individualized learning experiences outside the classroom.  You can design your own course content or possibly take a course from the catalog.  Whatcom students have earned credit in diverse areas ranging from writing a children's book to biodiesel fuel production; song writing to whitewater guiding; training for a marathon to studying the art and music of the Harlem Renaissance.

If classes are not available in your area of interest or at a convenient time or place, we will work with you to create the course that fits your needs. If you are a self-directed learner who prefers working at your own pace, this is for you.


What is different about doing a learning contract vs. taking a regular class?

A learning contract allows you to have more control over your learning. You can negotiate the pace of your learning, the learning methods and evaluation and with a self designed contract, you decide what you want to learn. In order to do this, you need to be an independent learner, willing to take responsibility for your learning and able to manage your time and resources.


Who teaches courses you take by learning contract?

The College recruits a mentor, an individual with expertise in the subject area of learning, to assist you through your contract learning course. Your mentor is usually a Whatcom Community College faculty member, or may be an approved community resource person.


What courses can you take by learning contract?

Many subjects offered by WCC in the classroom can be done by learning contract. You may also design your own course in an area of your special interest, as long as the subject is college level and can be learned on an independent basis.


Do the credits transfer to other colleges? Do they satisfy degree requirements?

Catalog courses completed as learning contracts are treated exactly as they are listed in the catalog under which you are graduating. Self designed courses will be reviewed to determine where they fall in the degree. In general learning contract courses are transferable to other colleges. Talk to your learning contract advisor for specifics.