Student Learning Outcomes

As a result of interacting with the Office of Community Standards, students will:

  • Increase resilience by practicing life skills and/or coping mechanisms within the context of educational sanctions.
  • Explore practical strategies for self-awareness and self-regulation.
  • Identify personal values and character strengths as tools for finding authentic belonging on campus.
  • Expand knowledge and perspective by making meaningful connections between current choices and future goals.

Core Competencies

Whatcom's learning strategies are part of an Academic Resiliency Framework. The framework integrates five core competencies:

  1. Basics - essential needs are met
  2. Belonging - students have good relationships and feel they have a "place in the world"
  3. Learning - students develop aspirations and develop skills to accomplish them
  4. Coping - students can process through challenges in a healthy way
  5. Core Self - ownership of a complex internal identity

Students are assessed for growth potential in one or more of these competencies before being assigned an educational sanction. Successful completion of a sanction is assessed according to the six Pillars of Resilience.

Six Pillars of Resilience

The core competencies inform Six Pillars of Resilience. Multiple competencies apply to each pillar, but multiple pillars do not apply to each competency. For example, a student working on self-regulation likely needs to develop better coping skills and to solidify their core self. A student working on optimism likely needs to develop a sense of belonging and better coping skills.

Strength of Character
Mental Agility