Whatcom Community College
Home MenuStudent Emergency Funding Request
Purpose: Student Emergency Funding serves to provide WCC student recipients with a resource to address acute, unexpected circumstances that would halt their academic progress.
WCC Community: If a student does not qualify for emergency funding, or there is not additional emergency funding available at a particular time in the academic year, WCC will also connect students to other support systems and non-monitory resources as well.
- Funding is limited.
- Funding is not available for individuals only enrolled in community education courses.
- A student must be enrolled in classes for the quarter at the time of request.
- A 2.0 GPA or higher is required.
- A student must submit a clear statement of financial need and a long-term plan to meet basic needs and complete your program.
- A complete Student Emergency Funding application with supporting documentation of expenses is required.
- Funding is not intended to fill in for late FAFSA/WASFA applications.
- Applications are reviewed by the financial aid office to ensure they are complete and to checkfor other resource option.
- Typical award amounts are $500 to $1,000, or one-month’s rent.
- The Emergency Fund Committee may determine that a student be referred to alternate support opportunities or community support.
- A notification will be sent to student applicants via their WCC email letting them know if they were selected or not for emergency funding.
- An award notification will include the amount of the award, and a rejection notice will include a list of alternate resources.
- If awarded, the disbursement of funds will either go through the Financial Aid portal in CTC Link and be paid out via BankMobile, or will be awarded by check.
- Typically, award distributions are made within two weeks.
Examples of Eligible Costs & Documentation:
Childcare: student is parent of a dependent with unforeseen circumstances requiring childcare when no other resources are available. This excludes on-going and regular childcare. Suggested documentation: receipts or copies of checks to care provider.
Medical/Dental: student has an unforeseen necessary medical/dental care or emergency care that is not covered by insurance. Suggested documentation: bill from provider after insurance.
Transportation/Travel: student relies on a vehicle that needs repairs such as brakes, tires, batteries, etc. Suggested documentation: receipt from repair or recent estimate showing required repair or maintenance along with copy of vehicle registration, etc.
Housing: assistance with deposit when moving is necessitated by unexpected landlord issues or extenuating circumstances, short-term rental assistance, utilities, living expenses, etc. Suggested documentation: lease agreement, bills, or other receipts for expenses.
Food: assistance with costs related to purchasing food and food supplies. Suggested documentation: receipts for expenses.
Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence: assistance with costs associated with departing a situation associated with Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence. Suggested documentation: bills, or other receipts for expenses.
Academic Program or Technology Expenses: student has one-time testing/licensing fee required for their academic program that is not covered by financial aid or needs internet access or technology to support virtual learning, etc.